Echo Lu

Sans passion,sans but,sans rêve. Il ne reste que la photographie et la littérature dans ma vie.
Echo Lu
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Close-up of donut in plate
Close-up of hand holding berries
Close-up of purple flowering plant
Close-up of flowering plant against wall
Close-up of cupcakes on table
Close-up of cupcakes on table
High angle view of cookies on table
Close-up of cupcakes in plate
Close-up of ice cream in bowl
Close-up of cake on table
Close-up of cupcakes on table
Close-up of rose bouquet
Close-up of food served in plate
Close-up of apples in bowl
Close-up of pink rose flower
Close-up of pink flowering plant
High angle view of leaf on table
High angle view of person holding paper
Close-up of meat on barbecue grill
High angle view of meat on barbecue grill
High angle view of oranges on table
Close-up of apple on table
High angle view of oranges on table
Full frame shot of cherry blossom
Close-up of pink cherry blossoms in spring
Close-up of white flowering plant
High angle view of white flowering plants
Close-up of pink flowering plant
High angle view of fruits in bowl on table
High angle view of dessert in plate on table
Close-up of pink flowers blooming outdoors
Close-up of pink flowers blooming outdoors
Scenic view of cloudscape during sunset
Full frame shot of sky
Scenic view of sunset sky
Close-up of cat
Scenic view of mountains against sky
Scenic view of landscape against sky
High angle view of rice field
Close-up of cat sitting on wood
High angle view of houses in village
Portrait of happy woman standing on field
Yellow flowers growing in field
Low angle view of leaves against clear sky
Close-up of wheat plant against clear sky
Close-up of senior woman at home
Close-up of man holding hands
Full frame shot of pumpkins
Close-up of tomatoes on table
Close-up of orange pumpkin in plate on table
Close-up of lemon in plate
Close-up of orange fruit
Close-up of strawberry over white background
Close-up of water
Close-up of young woman
Close-up of man hanging against curtain
Close-up of horse
Close-up of pink flowers blooming against black background
Close-up of person on yellow paper
Close-up of yellow flowers blooming in field
Trees in forest
Close-up of electric lamp
Close-up of pink flowers
Close-up of pink flower blooming outdoors
Low section of people standing outdoors
Scenic view of sea against clear sky
Full frame shot of ice hanging at store
Boats moored at harbor against clear sky
Close-up of fresh green leaves
Low angle view of pink bougainvillea on tree
Close-up of bicycle window
Close-up of pink flowers
Town by sea against clear sky
Close-up of bird against trees
Close-up of white flower against black background
Close-up of drink in jar
Close-up of hand holding purple flower
Rear view of woman in sea against sky
Close-up of dry flowers
Close-up of bee pollinating on sunflower against clear sky
Close-up of hand holding yellow flower
Bare trees on snow covered landscape against clear sky
Scenic view of lake against clear sky
High angle view of trees on water
High angle portrait of dog
Close-up of hat
Silhouette electricity pylon against sky during sunset
Close-up of pink flower blooming outdoors
Low angle view of trees against bright sun
Full frame shot of oranges in market
Full frame shot of strawberries
Close-up of honey bee on flower at home
Close-up of white flower blooming outdoors
Low angle view of tree
Close-up of pink flower
Close-up of fruit growing on tree against sky
Low angle view of trees in forest