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Full frame shot of coins

Full frame shot of coins

Full frame shot of coins on metal

Full frame shot of coins on metal

High angle view of spices in container

High angle view of spices in container

Scenic view of landscape and mountains against sky

Scenic view of landscape and mountains against sky

Steel bridge for pedestrians and bridges for traffic cross douro river at peso da regua, portugal

Steel bridge for pedestrians and bridges for traffic cross douro river at peso da regua, portugal

Cathedral against sky

Cathedral against sky

Cropped hand holding paper currency on road in city

Cropped hand holding paper currency on road in city

Close-up of bird perching outdoors

Close-up of bird perching outdoors

Scenic view of lake by mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake by mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake by buildings against sky

Scenic view of lake by buildings against sky

Scenic view of sea and snowcapped mountains against clear blue sky

Scenic view of sea and snowcapped mountains against clear blue sky

Close-up detail of latin woman's hand taking money from the cash register, making a sale

Close-up detail of latin woman's hand taking money from the cash register, making a sale

Bridge over douro river against sky

Bridge over douro river against sky

High angle view of strawberries in basket

High angle view of strawberries in basket

Cropped hand holding paper currency against mountain

Cropped hand holding paper currency against mountain

Scenic view of lake against sky

Scenic view of lake against sky

Chairs on beach by sea

Chairs on beach by sea

Row of silver washing washines

Row of silver washing washines

Swan swimming in lake

Swan swimming in lake

Scenic view of lake and mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake and mountains against sky

Terras do douro

Terras do douro

Scenic view of lake against sky

Scenic view of lake against sky

Scenic view of sea and mountains against clear blue sky

Scenic view of sea and mountains against clear blue sky

Bridge over river against trees

Bridge over river against trees

Close-up of chopped vegetables in bowl on table

Close-up of chopped vegetables in bowl on table

Close-up of hand holding a 20 pesos coins

Close-up of hand holding a 20 pesos coins

High angle view of trees and buildings

High angle view of trees and buildings

Low angle view of bridge against sky

Low angle view of bridge against sky

Scenic view of agricultural field against mountains

Scenic view of agricultural field against mountains

Scenic view of landscape against sky

Scenic view of landscape against sky

High angle view of agricultural landscape

High angle view of agricultural landscape

Scenic view of lake by mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake by mountains against sky

Scenic view of snowcapped mountains and sea against sky

Scenic view of snowcapped mountains and sea against sky

Scenic view of lake by mountains against clear sky

Scenic view of lake by mountains against clear sky

Built structure by lake and buildings against sky

Built structure by lake and buildings against sky

Scenic view of snowcapped mountains against clear sky

Scenic view of snowcapped mountains against clear sky

High angle view of onions in container

High angle view of onions in container

Close-up of machine part

Close-up of machine part

High angle view of coins on table

High angle view of coins on table

Bicycle by river against sky

Bicycle by river against sky

Cropped hands holding coins in darkroom

Cropped hands holding coins in darkroom

Cropped hand holding paper currency against mountain

Cropped hand holding paper currency against mountain

Scenic view of landscape and mountains against sky

Scenic view of landscape and mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake and snowcapped mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake and snowcapped mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake and mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake and mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake and snowcapped mountains against clear blue sky

Scenic view of lake and snowcapped mountains against clear blue sky

Close-up of coins on table

Close-up of coins on table

Close-up of paper currencies

Close-up of paper currencies

Close-up of text on paper

Close-up of text on paper

High angle view of trees on landscape

High angle view of trees on landscape

Close-up of text on table

Close-up of text on table

Scenic view of sea and snowcapped mountains against blue sky

Scenic view of sea and snowcapped mountains against blue sky

Plants growing in front of a building

Plants growing in front of a building

Scenic view of lake and mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake and mountains against sky

Full frame shot of paper currency

Full frame shot of paper currency

Scenic view of lake and mountains against sky

Scenic view of lake and mountains against sky

Steel bridge over the douro river in the alto douro wine region near pinhao in portugal

Steel bridge over the douro river in the alto douro wine region near pinhao in portugal

Bridge over river against trees

Bridge over river against trees

Close-up of peso coins

Close-up of peso coins

Cropped hand holding paper currency against mountain

Cropped hand holding paper currency against mountain

High angle view of text on wall

High angle view of text on wall

Scenic view of sea and snowcapped mountains against sky

Scenic view of sea and snowcapped mountains against sky

Hand holding bills of money in a grocery store.

Hand holding bills of money in a grocery store.