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Three eurasian curlew, numenius arquata, birds near a pond, neuchatel lake, switzerland

Three eurasian curlew, numenius arquata, birds near a pond, neuchatel lake, switzerland

Handrail on wall by stairway

Handrail on wall by stairway

Low angle view of lighthouse by building against sky

Low angle view of lighthouse by building against sky

Side view of a duck swimming in lake

Side view of a duck swimming in lake

Eurasian curlew, numenius arquata, bird walking in the high grass, neuchatel lake, switzerland

Eurasian curlew, numenius arquata, bird walking in the high grass, neuchatel lake, switzerland

Zurich view from lindenhof

Zurich view from lindenhof

View of zurich with grossmunster church from the lindenhof hill, switzerland

View of zurich with grossmunster church from the lindenhof hill, switzerland

Wooden posts in sea against sky

Wooden posts in sea against sky

Low section of woman on steps

Low section of woman on steps

Buildings in city

Buildings in city

Low angle view of buildings in town

Low angle view of buildings in town

Grande caricaie panorama wildlife park by day, neuchatel lake, switzerland

Grande caricaie panorama wildlife park by day, neuchatel lake, switzerland

View of zurich from the lindenhof hill, switzerland

View of zurich from the lindenhof hill, switzerland

Full frame shot of blue wall

Full frame shot of blue wall

High angle view of insect on wood against wall

High angle view of insect on wood against wall

Footpath amidst trees in park during autumn

Footpath amidst trees in park during autumn

Multi colored metal railing

Multi colored metal railing

Scenic view of sea against sky during sunset

Scenic view of sea against sky during sunset

Light trails on road against sky at night

Light trails on road against sky at night

Close-up of name plate

Close-up of name plate

River amidst buildings in city against clear sky

River amidst buildings in city against clear sky

Zurich view from lindenhof

Zurich view from lindenhof

Illuminated buildings in city

Illuminated buildings in city

Panoramic view of zurich city as seen from lindenhof hill

Panoramic view of zurich city as seen from lindenhof hill

Old metallic railing against wall

Old metallic railing against wall

Close-up of name plate

Close-up of name plate

Buildings by river against sky

Buildings by river against sky

View from lindenhof to the limmatquai zürich

View from lindenhof to the limmatquai zürich

Close-up of cross against wall in building

Close-up of cross against wall in building

Scenic view of river against cloudy sky

Scenic view of river against cloudy sky

Zurich view from lindenhof

Zurich view from lindenhof

Railroad station platform against clear sky

Railroad station platform against clear sky

Canal amidst buildings in city

Canal amidst buildings in city

Zurich view from lindenhof

Zurich view from lindenhof

Scenic view of land against sky during winter

Scenic view of land against sky during winter

Full frame shot of tiled wall

Full frame shot of tiled wall

Eyes of a frog swimming in the pond

Eyes of a frog swimming in the pond

Eurasian, river or common kingfisher, alcedo atthis, perched on a branch, neuchatel, switzerland

Eurasian, river or common kingfisher, alcedo atthis, perched on a branch, neuchatel, switzerland

Boat sailing in sea against sky

Boat sailing in sea against sky

High angle view of river amidst buildings against sky

High angle view of river amidst buildings against sky