Legislative Council

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Group of people in front of flags in city

Group of people in front of flags in city

Rear view of man protesting on street in city

Rear view of man protesting on street in city

Modern buildings against sky in city

Modern buildings against sky in city

Empty corridor of building

Empty corridor of building

People protesting in city

People protesting in city

Police force standing on street

Police force standing on street

High angle view of illuminated cityscape against sky at dusk

High angle view of illuminated cityscape against sky at dusk

People working on city street

People working on city street

Rear view of man standing on road

Rear view of man standing on road

People protesting in city

People protesting in city

Police force with protestors in city

Police force with protestors in city

High angle view of people walking on road

High angle view of people walking on road

Police force standing on street

Police force standing on street

Group of people on street in city

Group of people on street in city

Police force standing on street in city

Police force standing on street in city

Low angle view of flags against blue sky

Low angle view of flags against blue sky

Group of people walking in city

Group of people walking in city

Empty corridor of building

Empty corridor of building

Low angle view of modern building against sky

Low angle view of modern building against sky

High angle view of people on street amidst buildings in city

High angle view of people on street amidst buildings in city

Group of people walking on road in city

Group of people walking on road in city

View of city buildings against sky

View of city buildings against sky

Group of people in front of buildings

Group of people in front of buildings

Building against sky with trees in foreground

Building against sky with trees in foreground

People walking on street in city

People walking on street in city

Buildings in city against sky

Buildings in city against sky

Group of people on the road

Group of people on the road

View of street at night

View of street at night

Rear view of people with text on street in city

Rear view of people with text on street in city

Police force standing on street in city

Police force standing on street in city

Rear view of man protesting on street in city

Rear view of man protesting on street in city

Low angle view of flags against blue sky

Low angle view of flags against blue sky

Low angle view of man hand on glass

Low angle view of man hand on glass