Common Bottlenose Dolphin

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High angle view of a south african fur seal in swimming pool

High angle view of a south african fur seal in swimming pool

Dolphins at the coast of maui, hawaii

Dolphins at the coast of maui, hawaii

View of whale tail

View of whale tail

Curious smiling baby pilotwhale swimming in the sea at the strait of gibraltar

Curious smiling baby pilotwhale swimming in the sea at the strait of gibraltar

The killer whales in the blue pacific ocean

The killer whales in the blue pacific ocean

Spotted dolphins, stenella frontalis, in crystal clear madeira island waters

Spotted dolphins, stenella frontalis, in crystal clear madeira island waters

High angle view of swimming in sea

High angle view of swimming in sea

Close-up of hand holding dolphin in sea

Close-up of hand holding dolphin in sea

Close-up of whale swimming in sea

Close-up of whale swimming in sea

Swimming dolphins

Swimming dolphins

Fishes swimming in sea

Fishes swimming in sea

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Aerial view of dolphin  swimming underwater

Aerial view of dolphin swimming underwater

Giant scary sharks under water in aquarium. sea ocean marine wildlife predators dangerous animals

Giant scary sharks under water in aquarium. sea ocean marine wildlife predators dangerous animals

Woman hand touching dolphin in the sea

Woman hand touching dolphin in the sea

Spotted dolphins, stenella frontalis, in crystal clear madeira island waters

Spotted dolphins, stenella frontalis, in crystal clear madeira island waters

A common dolphin in algoa bay, port elizabeth

A common dolphin in algoa bay, port elizabeth

Dolphin swimming by

Dolphin swimming by

Dolphins swimming in sea

Dolphins swimming in sea

Fish swimming in sea

Fish swimming in sea

Common bottlenose dolphin surfacing on the adriatic sea in croatia

Common bottlenose dolphin surfacing on the adriatic sea in croatia

Dolphin synchronised jump

Dolphin synchronised jump

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Close-up of water

Close-up of water

Group of young sea lions (zalophus californianus), santa barbara islan

Group of young sea lions (zalophus californianus), santa barbara islan

Fish swimming in sea

Fish swimming in sea

View of dolphin in sea

View of dolphin in sea

View of a dolphin in sea

View of a dolphin in sea

Bottlenose dolphin with head above water latin name tursiops truncatus

Bottlenose dolphin with head above water latin name tursiops truncatus

Close up of dolphin face in blue water

Close up of dolphin face in blue water

School of manta rays in baa atoll, maldives

School of manta rays in baa atoll, maldives

Humpback whale family, wide angle

Humpback whale family, wide angle

Dolphin in the sea

Dolphin in the sea

High angle view of fish swimming in sea

High angle view of fish swimming in sea

Seagulls flying over sea

Seagulls flying over sea

High angle view of dolphins swimming in sea

High angle view of dolphins swimming in sea

Amazing pilot whale swimming in dark blue sea water in evening

Amazing pilot whale swimming in dark blue sea water in evening

A group of orcas swimming near espiritu santo island.

A group of orcas swimming near espiritu santo island.

Swimming dolphins

Swimming dolphins

View of dolphins in sea

View of dolphins in sea

Swimming dolphins

Swimming dolphins

Jellyfish swimming in sea

Jellyfish swimming in sea

Common bottlenose dolphin surfacing on the adriatic sea in croatia

Common bottlenose dolphin surfacing on the adriatic sea in croatia

Flock of dolphins swimming in sea

Flock of dolphins swimming in sea

View of fish swimming in sea

View of fish swimming in sea

Dolphin of the red sea

Dolphin of the red sea

Close-up of swimming in sea

Close-up of swimming in sea

Common bottlenose dolphin surfacing on the adriatic sea in croatia

Common bottlenose dolphin surfacing on the adriatic sea in croatia

View of fish underwater

View of fish underwater

View of humpback tail fin

View of humpback tail fin

Happy dolphin in the dolphinarium . trained fish in the blue water

Happy dolphin in the dolphinarium . trained fish in the blue water

View of dolphin in sea

View of dolphin in sea

The pair of transient killer whales travel through the waters of avacha bay, kamchatka

The pair of transient killer whales travel through the waters of avacha bay, kamchatka

Dolphins swimming in sea

Dolphins swimming in sea

Standing dolphin

Standing dolphin

Dolphin swimming in the red sea, eilat israel

Dolphin swimming in the red sea, eilat israel

Happy dolphin in swimming pool

Happy dolphin in swimming pool

Surrounded by dolphin family.

Surrounded by dolphin family.

A mobula manta ray jumping out of the water at espíritu santo island.

A mobula manta ray jumping out of the water at espíritu santo island.

Portrait of smiling woman with dolphin swimming in sea

Portrait of smiling woman with dolphin swimming in sea

View of turtle in swimming pool

View of turtle in swimming pool

A dolphin swimming in the lights

A dolphin swimming in the lights

Fish swimming in sea

Fish swimming in sea

Bird flying over sea

Bird flying over sea

High angle view of dolphin

High angle view of dolphin

Close-up of  dolphin in sea

Close-up of dolphin in sea

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Fish swimming in sea

Fish swimming in sea

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Wild dolphins jumping in sea

Wild dolphins jumping in sea

View of whale swimming in sea

View of whale swimming in sea

 dolphins in sea

dolphins in sea

Dolphins. spinner dolphin. stenella longirostris is a small dolphin .

Dolphins. spinner dolphin. stenella longirostris is a small dolphin .

Dolphin swimming in sea

Dolphin swimming in sea

Close-up of whale swimming in sea

Close-up of whale swimming in sea

View of whale

View of whale

The pair of transient killer whales travel through the waters of avacha bay, kamchatka

The pair of transient killer whales travel through the waters of avacha bay, kamchatka

Man feeding and interacting with pink dolphing in negro river

Man feeding and interacting with pink dolphing in negro river

Fish swimming in sea

Fish swimming in sea

High angle view of fish swimming in sea

High angle view of fish swimming in sea

High angle view of dolphines swimming in sea

High angle view of dolphines swimming in sea

Huge group of dolphins with snorkerlers

Huge group of dolphins with snorkerlers

A group of orcas swimming near espiritu santo island.

A group of orcas swimming near espiritu santo island.

Beluga whale diving into water

Beluga whale diving into water

High angle view of swimming in sea

High angle view of swimming in sea

Flock of birds flying over snow

Flock of birds flying over snow

Wild olphins jumping in sea ireland

Wild olphins jumping in sea ireland

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Dolphins communicating

Dolphins communicating

Fish swimming in sea

Fish swimming in sea

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Close-up of swimming in sea

Close-up of swimming in sea

View of dolpine in the sea

View of dolpine in the sea

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Indian bottlenose dolphin

Turquoise sea water turbulently bubbles as the strong dorsal fin of a large wild basking shark

Turquoise sea water turbulently bubbles as the strong dorsal fin of a large wild basking shark

Dolphins at the beach

Dolphins at the beach

Low section of man swimming in sea

Low section of man swimming in sea

Whale swimming in sea

Whale swimming in sea

A group of common dolphins swimming near espíritu santo island.

A group of common dolphins swimming near espíritu santo island.

View of dolphine in swimming pool

View of dolphine in swimming pool