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Interior of abandoned building

Interior of abandoned building

Military man with gas mask and camera photographs the destruction of the bomb

Military man with gas mask and camera photographs the destruction of the bomb

View of the gloomy abandoned buildings of the old factory

View of the gloomy abandoned buildings of the old factory

Abandoned school number 13 in the city of pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

Abandoned school number 13 in the city of pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

Side view of senior woman sitting on fire at night

Side view of senior woman sitting on fire at night

Man with geiger counter in radioactive site

Man with geiger counter in radioactive site

Abandoned places from chernobyl, ukraine after 32 years after the nuclear disaster.

Abandoned places from chernobyl, ukraine after 32 years after the nuclear disaster.

Forest fire is ukraine, chernobyl, april 2020, disaster, ecology catastrophe

Forest fire is ukraine, chernobyl, april 2020, disaster, ecology catastrophe

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Abandoned school number 13 in the city of pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

Abandoned school number 13 in the city of pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Man wearing protective suit standing against mirrors at hospital

Man wearing protective suit standing against mirrors at hospital

Abandoned kindergarten in chernobyl, ukraine. kindergarten with toys and abandoned things

Abandoned kindergarten in chernobyl, ukraine. kindergarten with toys and abandoned things

Close-up of old broken rusty window with painting

Close-up of old broken rusty window with painting

Abandoned kindergarten in chernobyl, ukraine. kindergarten with toys and abandoned things

Abandoned kindergarten in chernobyl, ukraine. kindergarten with toys and abandoned things

Man with gas mask photographs the radioactive barrels

Man with gas mask photographs the radioactive barrels

Abandoned building

Abandoned building

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of abandoned city at autumn sunset

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of abandoned city at autumn sunset

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, chernobyl, hand of man using geiger counter to measure radiation levels near chernobyl nuclear power plant

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, chernobyl, hand of man using geiger counter to measure radiation levels near chernobyl nuclear power plant

Interior of abandoned house

Interior of abandoned house

View of an abandoned room

View of an abandoned room

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Abandoned woodland hotel in pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

Abandoned woodland hotel in pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

High angle view of old rusty play wheel

High angle view of old rusty play wheel

View of the gloomy abandoned buildings of the old factory

View of the gloomy abandoned buildings of the old factory

Maternity ward in no. 126 hospital in pripyat ghost town, chernobyl, ukraine

Maternity ward in no. 126 hospital in pripyat ghost town, chernobyl, ukraine

Portrait of man wearing sunglasses standing against illuminated ceiling

Portrait of man wearing sunglasses standing against illuminated ceiling

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Man with gas mask photographs the radioactive barrels

Man with gas mask photographs the radioactive barrels

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Abandoned kindergarten in chernobyl, ukraine. kindergarten with toys and abandoned things

Abandoned kindergarten in chernobyl, ukraine. kindergarten with toys and abandoned things

Abandoned school number 13 in the city of pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

Abandoned school number 13 in the city of pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

Abandoned school number 13 in the city of pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

Abandoned school number 13 in the city of pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

High angle view of old objects on table

High angle view of old objects on table

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

High angle view of garbage on stone wall

High angle view of garbage on stone wall

Rusty and deteriorated toy car on ground with autumn leaves in chernobyl

Rusty and deteriorated toy car on ground with autumn leaves in chernobyl

Abandoned building in chernobyl zone at pripyat

Abandoned building in chernobyl zone at pripyat

High angle view of road amidst trees in forest

High angle view of road amidst trees in forest

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of abandoned city in autumn

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of abandoned city in autumn

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Damaged window of abandoned building in chernobyl zone at pripyat

Damaged window of abandoned building in chernobyl zone at pripyat

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Close-up of old gas masks

Close-up of old gas masks

Young man in protective workwear standing against wall

Young man in protective workwear standing against wall

High angle view of old messy floor

High angle view of old messy floor

Man with geiger counter near radioactive barrels

Man with geiger counter near radioactive barrels

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Abandoned places from chernobyl, ukraine after 32 years after the nuclear disaster.

Abandoned places from chernobyl, ukraine after 32 years after the nuclear disaster.

Rear view of man standing against illuminated light at night

Rear view of man standing against illuminated light at night

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of rooftops of abandoned city in autumn

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of rooftops of abandoned city in autumn

Interior of abandoned building

Interior of abandoned building

Abandoned kindergarten in chernobyl, ukraine. kindergarten with toys and abandoned things

Abandoned kindergarten in chernobyl, ukraine. kindergarten with toys and abandoned things

Close-up of dirty napkins on table

Close-up of dirty napkins on table

Portrait of man wearing protection

Portrait of man wearing protection

Aerial view of built structure outdoors

Aerial view of built structure outdoors

High angle view of abandoned shoes

High angle view of abandoned shoes

Close-up of old gas mask on floor

Close-up of old gas mask on floor

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of empty square of abandoned city

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of empty square of abandoned city

Interior of abandoned building

Interior of abandoned building

Sign of radiation on a yellow wooden board. radioactive sign - symbol of radiation. yellow and black

Sign of radiation on a yellow wooden board. radioactive sign - symbol of radiation. yellow and black

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Man with geiger counter in radioactive site

Man with geiger counter in radioactive site

Abandoned school number 13 in the city of pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

Abandoned school number 13 in the city of pripyat, chernobyl, ukraine

Chernobyl exclusion zone

Chernobyl exclusion zone

Abandoned places from chernobyl, ukraine after 32 years after the nuclear disaster.

Abandoned places from chernobyl, ukraine after 32 years after the nuclear disaster.

Man with gas mask photographs the radioactive barrels

Man with gas mask photographs the radioactive barrels

Man with gas mask near radioactive barrels

Man with gas mask near radioactive barrels

Apartment house in pripyat town, chernobyl nuclear power plant zone of alienation

Apartment house in pripyat town, chernobyl nuclear power plant zone of alienation

Close-up of padlocks hanging on rusty metal in abandoned school in chernobyl

Close-up of padlocks hanging on rusty metal in abandoned school in chernobyl

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Military man with gas mask and camera photographs the destruction of the bomb

Military man with gas mask and camera photographs the destruction of the bomb

Close-up of box on table

Close-up of box on table

View of abandoned room

View of abandoned room

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of abandoned city in autumn

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of abandoned city in autumn

Empty chairs and table in abandoned building

Empty chairs and table in abandoned building

Man with gas mask under the rain

Man with gas mask under the rain

Toy with no head on table

Toy with no head on table

Close-up of rusty metal gas mask

Close-up of rusty metal gas mask

Abandoned military station "chernobyl 2"

Abandoned military station "chernobyl 2"

High angle view of buildings in city

High angle view of buildings in city

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Empty chairs and table in abandoned building

Empty chairs and table in abandoned building

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Radio station chernobyl 2 antenna field, over-the-horizon radar.

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of rooftops of abandoned city in autumn

Ukraine, kyiv oblast, pripyat, aerial view of rooftops of abandoned city in autumn

Pripyat. scenic view of lake against sky

Pripyat. scenic view of lake against sky

Empty road along bare trees in winter

Empty road along bare trees in winter

View of old abandoned building

View of old abandoned building

Man with gas mask photographs the radioactive barrels

Man with gas mask photographs the radioactive barrels

Abandoned kindergarten in chernobyl, ukraine. kindergarten with toys and abandoned things

Abandoned kindergarten in chernobyl, ukraine. kindergarten with toys and abandoned things

Interior of abandoned house with broken windows in chernobyl

Interior of abandoned house with broken windows in chernobyl

Abandoned high-rise building in the chernobyl exclusion zone

Abandoned high-rise building in the chernobyl exclusion zone

Abandoned places from chernobyl, ukraine after 32 years after the nuclear disaster.

Abandoned places from chernobyl, ukraine after 32 years after the nuclear disaster.

High angle view of old damaged book in abandoned room

High angle view of old damaged book in abandoned room

Ferris wheel in an abandoned amusement park in the city of pripyat chernobyl, ukraine

Ferris wheel in an abandoned amusement park in the city of pripyat chernobyl, ukraine

Man with geiger counter near radioactive barrels

Man with geiger counter near radioactive barrels

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building

Interior of old abandoned building