Visual Stories

Visual Interview: Surreal And Spiritual Photography by David Stenbeck

By Marili Persson - 2 min read

Visual Interviews is an ongoing EyeEm series where we get to know artists and photographers through textless Q&A's. Today we are featuring the work of Swedish photographer David Stenbeck, who defines himself as a “spiritual misleader”.

The beautiful photos of David Stenbeck push the boundaries of surprise and imagination. His artistic creativity strives for colorful and innovative compositions, usually with a just few elements, where every part adds to the story, but where there are still gaps for the viewer to fill. At times, his images make you feel as if you’re stepping into a dream. From his use of color and surreality, he creates a reality found only in our imagination.

How do you see yourself?

How do you see the world?

If you could re-color the world, what color would it be in?

Show us what your dreams look like!

If you made a movie, what would be the poster?

What’s your favorite body part?

How do you visualize love?

If you could keep just one of your photos and the rest would be destroyed, which would it be?

How do you connect with others?

How do you see the future?

This post was created as part of our ongoing Visual Interview series. Follow David on Instagram to see more of his incredible work.